U.S. House: Reformers Call on Representatives to Oppose Amendments to Kill Presidential Public Financing System in Spending Bill


Today, the Campaign Legal Center joined with a coalition of reform groups to urge Members of the U.S. House of Representatives to vote against any amendments to the FY 2011 spending bill (H.R. 1) that would restrict funding to implement the presidential public financing system or the presidential tax check-off.

Amendment 208, to cut off funding for the program, is expected to be offered Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK).   Additional amendments with the same goal may be introduced as well. 

The organizations include Americans for Campaign Reform, Brennan Center for Justice, Campaign Legal Center, Common Cause, CREW, Democracy 21, League of Women Voters, People For the American Way, Public Campaign, Public Citizen and U.S. PIRG.

 The full letter follow below. 

February 15, 2011

 Dear Representative,

Our organizations strongly urge you to oppose any amendment that may be offered to H.R. 1, the FY 2011 spending bill, to restrict funds from being used to implement the presidential tax check-off or the presidential public financing system.

The organizations include Americans for Campaign Reform, Brennan Center for Justice, Campaign Legal Center, Common Cause, CREW, Democracy 21, League of Women Voters, People For the American Way, Public Campaign, Public Citizen and U.S. PIRG. 

The presidential public financing system has served the nation and presidential candidates of both major parties well for most of its 36-year existence. The system has protected against government corruption and has given average citizens and small donors a vital role to play in our presidential elections. 

The presidential system today needs to be repaired, not repealed.  Representatives David Price (NC) and Chris Van Hollen (MD) have introduced legislation, H.R. 414, to fix the presidential system.

Killing the presidential financing system would turn the presidency over to influence-seeking big givers, bundlers, corporate spenders and other special interest spenders, at the great expense of the American people.

We urge you to vote against any amendment to H.R. 1, the FY 2011 spending bill, that would restrict funds from being used to implement the tax check-off or the presidential public financing system.

Americans for Campaign Reform        Democracy 21
Brennan Center for Justice                  League of Women Voters
Campaign Legal Center                       People For the American Way
Common Cause                                   Public Campaign
CREW                                                 Public Citizen
                                                             U.S. PIRG