Bloomberg Politics: Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg Facebook Won’t Lack for Political Ads Despite Erupting Scandals

Political consultant Mark Jablonowski predicts that Facebook Inc. won’t lack for political ads during this year’s campaign season despite the rancor caused by Russian election meddling and a massive data leak.

“For the time being, people are still on Facebook, and political advertisers want to advertise where their constituents are," said Jablonowski, partner and chief technology officer at DSPolitical, a digital ad firm that serves Democrats.


More disclosure about ad sponsors is “a first step,” said Larry Noble, general counsel for the Campaign Legal Center, a Washington-based policy group dedicated to strengthening democratic processes. “Let’s find out who’s paying for these ads.”

“We may be at the beginning of a close look at the internet, and a public realization that it’s not just the kid in the bedroom blogging about something,” Noble said.

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